Affiliate marketing - Affiliate is the easiest ways to earn money from home.

AFFILIATE MARKETING - Affiliate is the easiest ways to earn money from home

Affiliate marketing

INTRODUCTION :-  My dear friends today I am going to tell about affiliate marketing . Affiliate marketing is a process of earnings money from selling products .

What is affiliate marketing ?

Affiliate marketing is a way for you to earn money by selling a brand's product . As strictly a marketer , you have no inventory and work for commission . Generally , affiliate marketers receive payment when consumer they referred buys a product or service or completes a specific task .


In other words , it also means that you have the opportunity to make a good deal of money by selling a brands and products and by sharing the products and brands on social media . The more you sell brands and products then you earn more and more money .

NOTE :-  If you want to make money as an affiliate marketer then you have to understand all the parties involved in affiliate .

Your overall success requires building relationships that rely on three distinct parties.

1. Advertiser 

 The first party , typically referred to as the advertiser or merchant , is the party that selling the actual product and service .

This is the party that you , the affiliate will be working with . They usually have an established affiliate program .

2. Affiliate 

the second party is the publisher, more commonly referred to as the affiliate marketer.

That is you ,the individual working with the merchant to sell in exchange for a commission. You will have a contact in place , and you will seek to push traffic in the form of links , ads , in some cases unique phone number that you incorporate on your site .

3. Consumer 

 finally , you have the consumer or the party that will be buying your products . Thus , the relationship between the affiliate and the consumer should be one of trust. 

Why be an affiliate marketer ?

Some reason to become an affiliate marketer.

1. Passive income 

  while any regular job requires you to be at works to make money , affiliate marketer offers you the ability to make money while you sleep .  By investing an initial amount of time into a campaign , you will seek continuous return on that time as consumer purchase the product over the  following days and weeks . You will receive Money for your work long after you have finished it. Even when you are not in front of your computer, your marketing skills will be earning you a steady flow of income.

2. Work from home 

If you are not going to office then affiliate marketing is the perfect solution of earnings money from home. You will able to launch compaigns and receive revenue from the products that sellers create while working from the comfort of your own home . This is a job you can do without ever getting any problems. 

3. Free of cost

Most bussiness requires startup fees as well as a cash flow to finance the products being sold. How ever, affiliate marketing can be done at a low post, means that you can get started quickly and without much hassle. There are no affiliate program fees to worry about and no need to create a product.

How to earn money from affiliate matketing

1. You promote another compan's products in your own marketing efforts , like social media , your website , blog , your email list , or any other marketing channels you use  .

2.  When a customer clicks on a link to order a products , they are taken to your  affiliate partner's shopping cart to complete to transaction .

3. The link is assingned to you specifically and tracked so that you get cradit for any customer you send to your afdiliate partner .

4. If the prospect  buys , you get a commision , usually between 5 % to 25% , some times , even more , depending on the products . In the cases of  very high commisions .

5. Follow above tips and  start earning online money from amazon affiliate programm.

How to start affiliate marketing for your blog.

Amazon affiliate

1. Create a website or a blog 

2. Choose an industry , then niche name 

3. Research products in your niche that you can review .

4 . Sing up for the amazon affiliate programm .

5. Find affiliate programms for the other products you want to rev
6. Create content in the form of tutorials , review post , resource pages or emails and use your affiliate link.

7. Optimize the pages and track your ranking in the google .

8. Rinse and repeat .

9. Increase your customers from spreading affiliate link on the social media .

How much money can you make with affiliate marketing ?

The amount you can make will vary wildly - it honestly falls some where between  zero and millions .

Your income will be directly related to the type of offers you promote , how much traffic you get to the site  , and your grasps of other online marketing skills like email marketing and SEO  .

But in this post you will get a pretty good sense of the earning potential from different type of promotions .




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E-commerce - marketing & business--World largest business platform

E-commerce - marketing &  business--World largest business platform


Introduction:- My dear friends today i am telling about E-commerce - marketing & business. E-commerce changing the habbits and the mindset of online users , increasing the number of digital buyers.

What is E-COMMERCE ( E-कॉमर्स क्या है )
What is e-commerce

The term E -commerce stands for electronic commerce. It is usually abbreviated as E-commerce, but it is sometimes used as e commerce or simply as EC. The terms e -bussiness or e-tailing are sometimes used as synonyms . The term mCommerce is gradually taking its place as a part of E-commerce that is focused on transaction via mobile devices.

E-commerce is the process of buying and selling online. It is a business transaction where the fund and data are transferred through an electronic network. This way , the sales of all kind of products, both physically amd digital, and services are arranged between two participant in the transaction. Depending on those participants, e - commerce include several types of transaction:

1. Business to business

2. Business to customer

3. Customer to customer

E-commerce has enable companies and individuals to join this vast market place and develop their business using a sales model that bring significant advantages for both parties. The men benefits of this business model is convenience . E-commerce is up and running all the time, 24 hours in a day , seven days in a week . This means that buyers can obtain products whenever they find it convenient , without thinking about office hours, how to get the location and the similar things they would otherwise need to consider. Another edge that e-commerce has over brick and mortar stores in the selection . As opposed to physical shop, e-commerce offers a much greater diversity of product. You can always order products from different cities and countries this mean it is the broad e-commerce business . 
For business , these benefits significantly increase their reach because they are open to customer at any movement, accepting orders with no any limitations. 

E-commerce store is an online shop . From a business perspective, e-commerce is the place to advertise our products amd services, and this is most commonly done through a website . 

If you design your Website, you will have your own webshop . You will have to take care of sites maintenance and management of the store, which requires a more investment. There is a always an option to join the online retailers and sell your products directly through their website. While this is an easier solution regarding management and having in mind the fact that these site offer a large community whice can find your product more easily. 

Anyone can join the world of  e-commerce because the limitations typically for running a traditional store are simply none existence.
You need is a website and instructions on how to start e-commerce. This mean that an online store is easier and cheaper to setup than an traditional store, whice is the main reason why a lot of peoples are turning to this activity as their way to earn their living

Besides the actual presentation of product on your website, you will also need to understand the fundamental process involved in e-commerce, such as payment process, buying process, etc.

How to get start it

How to get start it

If you have decided that e-commerce is an area you would like to explore as an opportunity to earn the money , you will need to start with developing plan.

Firstly, start buy deciding which platform you are going to use. The choice is basically between having your shop on your or selling on market places. And this choice depend on your business. For example, if you are a small sized company, with limited resources for web development, starting with marketplaces is perhaps the better alternative. If you have enough resources, having your own shop is recommended. Even if you do Decide to have your online store, nothing is stopping you from joining the market places as well . It is advisable to use everything that is available to you yo start making the profit through e-commerce.

E -commerce

Build a strategy for e -commerce

Yow will also need to think about the strategy you are going to use , which will include a set of action you will used to present and promote the products and services to their users . The next step in getting started is choosing the online channels and software you will use . Have in mind that social aspects has a major role in online marketing, which mean that your e-commerce website will also find this approach profitable and worthy of exploring. 

Besides the presentation and promotion of your products, you will also need to thing about the legal aspect , how to handle shipping and payment method, and finally about customer. Since all of these aspects directly influence the performance of your e-commerce, you should consider this serious business method. 

We are all witnessing the extraordinary growth of E-commerce market  and sales realized in the digital world, if you want to become a part of that world , you will have to get acquainted with rules that are sometimes different from running a traditional commerce business.

Opinion about E-commerce

If you have an idea about E-commerce business. You know that what and how to sell your products.  Online if you are good starter then you should start your E-COMMERCE business.



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How to become a successful blogger with a simple ways. Blog is career In 2020 .

How to create a success blog with simple ways

First we will know that .

What is blog (ब्लोग है क्या) 

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 I will tell you in simple word that, what is blog ?

Blog is a type of website that focus mainly on written content.


Blog is a website where a person writes regularly about topics that interest them.
An every person which can writes our favourites topics  passion and fashion.

Many uses of blog (उपयोग

The main purpose of a blog is spreading our thoughts in whole world & blog is used as aid marketing ,provide a information about our product and spread our bussiness in whole world .you deliver all information about our bussiness .you know that what need of your audience .

Others uses of blog 

Many benefits to having a blog :-

1. Its very low cost.

2. A blog is a very simple & cheap ways to spread our message out on a regular bases.

3. we can write & create a content.

4. It is also used for increasing our bussiness in whole world.

5. Its best use is earning money online from your blog.

6. They can be used for anything that communication or publishing imformation on www.

7. The common uses includes teaching and educational purpose .

Why is blog more popular?

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Its  important to mention that blogging grow with each passing day.we need to look at factors behind it rise...
In early stage , blog become mainstream as services began using them.
It become a new source of information .
Bussiness saw a good ways to improve the customers level of satisfaction  from blogging , compananies keep client & customer updates all time .
More people visit your blog and get your companies brand ..
Through your blog , visitors can comments & interact with you or your brand which help you create a network of loyal followers.

Today's many people are blogging ( आज बहुत से लोग ब्लोग्गिन्ग कर रहे है )

Many  people are creating an own blog for various reason .Every person has a story to tell through internet blogging can communicate to a larger group of people .
Blog allow to talk about any topics and express your opinion & passion . You will find some blogger writting on every activity that took place .
Many people create a blog for earning money & increase your online bussiness.
Start earning money & increase your bussiness & increase pruduct selling.

Create your own blog ( अपना खुद का ब्लोग बनाये) 

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Start creating your blog with some simple steps .

  • Choose your unique domain name and post will be about your domain name .
  • Choose your blog templates .
  • Customize the design of your blog to match with your style & attract a people .
  • Write & publish your first post..
  • Posting a new post which can be unique and post on your blog .
  • Connect your domain after buy .get online with a domain name that make it easy for people to find you.
  • Share your post .engage with followers by sharing post and reply to comments.
  • Promotes your blog  get more people to read your blog .
  • Make money from your blogging.

Create your blog by using these sites 

Digital marketing (आपके bussiness के लिये kyu जरूरी है)

Digital marketing (आपके bussiness के लिये kyu जरूरी है)

WHAT IS DIGITAL MARKETING (इन हिन्दी मे पूरी जानकारी।)

Digital marketing
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जैसे की हम जानते हैं की ये युग Digital का है. ऐसे में यदि आपको Digital Marketing क्या है,पता नहीं तो शायद आप दूसरों से थोड़े पीछे हो सकते हैं. मैं ऐसा इसलिए कह रहा हूँ क्यूंकि हमें अपने बदलते युग के साथ साथ चलना है नहीं तो हम कहीं पीछे रह जायेंगे. और ये बात business में भी लागु होती है. वो दिन गए जब लोग घर घर जाकर अपने चीज़ों के बारे में बताते थे, इस प्रकार की strategy आज के दोर पर चल पाना मुस्किल ही नहीं नामुमकिन के तरह है. क्यूंकि इससे समय की बहुत बर्बादी होती है और इतने कम समय में इतने लोगों तक पहुँच पाना लगभग नामुमकिन सा है.

इस लिये digital marketing बहुत ही बढिया  तरीका है अपने bussiness के products की marketing  पूरे संसार मे करने के लिये |

जिससे बहुत ही कम समय में Companies अपने targeted ग्राहकों के निकट पहुँच सकते हैं. यदि हम पिछले कुछ वर्षों की बात करें तो हम ये पाएंगे की विज्ञापनों का स्वरुप काफी बदल सा गया है. पहले लोग अपने विज्ञापनों को ऐसी जगह पर चलाते थे जहाँ ज़्यादातर लोगों की निगाह पड़े, जैसे की टीवी विज्ञापनों , रेडियो और तमाम तरीकों को अमल में लाया जाता था. लेकिन ये बात अब कारगर न हो क्यूंकि आज के दौर में आपको सबसे ज्यादा भीड़ कहीं मिलेगी तो वो जगह है Social Media या Internet. ऐसे में अगर आप को एक साथ लाखों लोगो तक अपने विज्ञापन को पहुचाना है तो आपको पुराने परंपरागत Marketing के फंडो को छोड़ कर Digital Marketing की ओर रुख करना पड़ेगा. इसीलिए आज मैंने सोचा की क्यूँ न आप लोगों को Digital Marketing के बारे में विस्तार में जानकारी दे दी जाये जिससे की आपको भी इस नए Concept Digital Marketing के बारे में पता चले. तो फिर देरी किस बात की चलिए शुरू करते हैं और जानते हैं की आखिर ये डिजिटल मार्केटिंग क्या होता है और ये कैसे काम करता है.

What is digital marketing ? (  पूरी जानकारी )

Now a Digital Marketing का विस्तार बहुत तेजी से  बढ  रहा है।  इसलिए हर कंपनी अपनी Services और Products को बढाने के लिए digital marketing का सबसे ज्यादा इस्तेमाल करती है।

यह एक सबसे अच्छा और आसान तरीका है अपने business को पूरे संसार  मे  फैलाने और उसकी Branded  value को बढ़ाने के लिए इसलिए आज हर कंपनी अपने business के नाम पर ही अपनी website बनाती है और अपना bussiness करती है |

जब कोई कंपनी किसी business या फिर किसी नये Products को launch करती है। तो उसके बाद उसे success बनाने के लिए सबसे जरूरी होती है उसकी marketing करना क्योंकि marketing के जरिये ही हम अपनी company के products को ज्यादा से ज्यादा लोगो तक पहुचाया जा सकता है |

पहले हर बड़ी कंपनी अपने marketing campaign चलाने के लिए  radio, T V , newspaper ,poster , paplets, और Banner जैसे संसाधनों का प्रयोग करती थी  जो बहुत ही महगा पडता था इस के द्वारा सभी लोगो तक भी नही पहुचता था |बहुत सारी कंपनियां लोगो के घर-घर जाकर अपने Products के बारे में प्रचार करती थी। लेकिन अब समय के साथ  - साथ marketing करने के तरीकों  भी परिवर्तन हो चुके हैं |

अब internet दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा और  सबसे fast marketing or bussiness  place बन चुका है। चाहे बड़ी-बड़ी कंपनी हो या फिर छोटी कंपनी अब हर कोई marketing  और अपना bussines  करने के लिए internet का इस्तेमाल करती है। जिसे digital marketing कहते है।

उन्हें ये भी देखना होता है की किसी प्रकार के चीज़ों को लोग ज्यादा देखते हैं, क्या उनके attention को अपने तरफ ज्यादा आकर्षित करती है, और किन चीज़ों को देखकर वो चीज़ों को खरीदते हैं. इन digital campaingn को करने के लिए वो mobile messages, mobile apps, podcasts, electronic billboards और radio channels जैसे दुसरे digital माध्यम का इस्तमाल करते हैं तो मेरे कहने का ये मतलब है की ये Digital Marketing एक बड़े umbrella के सामान है जिसके भीतर हमारी सारी online efforts समा जाती है. इस Digital Business में मुख्य रूप से Google Search, Social Media, email और दुसरे Websites का इस्तमाल किया जाता है, ज्यादा से ज्यादा लोगों से जुड़ने के लिए. एक reality की बात यह है की पहले समय के मुकाबले आजकल लोग सबसे ज्यादा समय online ही व्यतीत करते हैं.

इसी कारन अब सारे लोग online bussiness करना पसन्द करते है ना की offline . इस लिये online work ज्यादा सही सिद्ध हो राहा है|

क्यूंकि अब तो Marketing का सही माईने ये है की सही Audience से सही जगह में और सही समय में Connect करना ही इसका उचित मतलब है. इसलिए आपको ये सोचना होगा की आप इन लोगों से कहाँ मिल सकते हैं जिससे आप अपना business बढ़ा सकते हैं. और इसका जवाब है online...
क्यूँ Digital Marketing इतना जरुरी है अब बात आती है की आखिर ये Digital Marketing इतना जरुरी क्यूँ है. तो में आपको ये बता देना चाहता हूँ की आजकल की ये Digital Media इतनी ज्यादा open है की आज सभी के पास information के बहुत से source हैं. वो किसी भी समय और किसी भी जगह में कोई भी जानकरी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं. अब वो दिन नहीं रह गए जब वो Text Messages पर निर्भर रहते थे और वो वही चीज़ देख पाते थे जिनके बारे में उन्हें marketers जानकारी देता था. जैसे की ये Digital media दिनबदिन बढ़ते ही जा रहा है और इसमें और ज्यादा entertainment, news, shopping और Social Interaction हो रहे हैं. आजकल Consumers केवल Company की बातें ही नहीं सुन रहे हैं बल्कि वो खुद भी अच्छे और बुरे की पहचान कर रहे हैं और दूसरों से भी information collect कर रहे हैं आजकल वो किसी ऐसे Brand पर trust करना चाहते हैं जिसमें की trust कर सकें, companies को की उनकी जरूरतों को समझे, और उन्हें उनके जरुरत के हिसाब से चीज़ें दिखाएँ जो की वो बाद में खरीद सके. उन्हें फालतू की show बाजी से कोई दिलचस्पी नहीं है. उन्हें ऐसे Brand चाहिए जिन्हें वो विस्वास कर सके, और जो उनके उम्मीदों पर खरा उतरे.

Some parts of digital marketing . Here you prormted your marketing.

Parts of digital marketing
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1. Your blog.

Here you can promote your bussiness as you write a post about your bussiness in your blog and finally post them.

2. Your website.

Here you also promoted your bussiness .you create a website on related topic of your bussiness .write something about your bussiness in your website.

3. Youtube .

Now a days , many people use youtube in whole world so youtube is the largest media of spreading your bussiness in whole can advertise your bussiness and products.

4. Facebook .

Facebook also use now a days .here you can also promoted your bussiness in facebook .you can create your advertise on facebook.

Many others .

Digital marketing के  tactics.

आज मैं  आपको कुछ tactics  के बारे मे बताऊगा |

 1. SEO ( Search Engine Optimization )

यह एक ऐसा process है जिसकी मदद से Website को optimize किया जाता है जिससे की ये अच्छा और बेहतर rank हो जिससे अच्छी Organic Traffic website पर खुदबखुद आये. इसके साथ ये Search Result में भी सबसे पहले show करे.

2. Social media marketing.

इस marketing में अपने brand को और अपने contents को Social Media Channel में Promote किया जाता है जिससे की brand awareness, drive traffic, और leads बढे खुद के business की.

3. Content  Marketing .

Content Assets की creation और promotion जिससे की सही तरीके से brand awareness, traffic growth, Lead  generation किया जा सकता है.

4. Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

ये एक ऐसा method है अपने website के तरफ traffic को drive किया जाता है जिसमें की आपको अपने publisher को पैसे देने होते हैं अगर आपके ads में click हों तब. एक बहुत ही popular PPC है Google AdWords.  जिससे आपकी income होती है |

5. Affiliate Marketing

यह एक performance-based advertising होती है जिसमें की आपको commission मिलता है अगर आपने किसी दुसरे की Products और services को अपने website में promote कर रहे हैं तब. आप company के products को social media पर भी promote कर सकते हो|

6. Email Marketing.

Companies email marketing के इस्तमाल से अपने audience के साथ बातचीत करने के लिए उपयोग में लाते हैं. Email का इस्तमाल content, discounts और events को promote करने के लिए किया जाता हैं |

7. Marketing Automation

Marketing automation उसे कहा जाता है जिसमें की software या कोई दुसरे tools का इस्तमाल होता है Marketing Promotion के लिए. जिससे की कुछ repetitive tasks जैसे की emails, social media, और दुसरे website actions को automate कर दिया जाता है.

Digital Marketing का use सभी bussiness और marketing करने के लिये किया जाता हैं |

Digital marketing हर bussiness और  industry मे बराबर काम करता हैं | . चाहे आपकी company कुछ भी sell कर रही हो, digital marketing के मदद से आप अपने Consumer को समझ सकते हैं, उनकी जरूरतों को समझ सकते हैं और finally उनके जरुरत अनुसार Online Content तैयार कर सकते हैं.

B2B  के लिए

अगर आपकी Company B2B है, तो आपके digital marketing में मुख्य काम online lead generation को लेकर ही होगा, जिसमें finally आपको किसी salesperson के साथ बात करना होगा. इसी कारण यहाँ आपके marketing strategy कुछ ऐसा होना चाहिए की जो की ज्यादा से ज्यादा quality leads को आपके salesperson के लिए जुटाए via आपके website और supporting digital channels के माध्यम से.

B2C के लिए

अगर आपकी Company B2C है, तो आपके digital marketing में मुख्य काम होगा की आप ज्यादा से ज्यादा लोग अपने Website पर लायें और उन्हें आपके Customer बनाएं बिना किसी Salesperson के जरुरत के.
इसी कारण आपको Lead generation में ज्यादा focus करने की जरुरत नहीं है बल्कि आपको ज्यादा focus किसी भी खरीदार के सफ़र में होनी चाहिए जिसे की वो बड़ी ही आसानी से आपके Website में इधर उधर migrate कर सके और finally अपना purchase कर सके.|

इसी कारण B2C companies के लिए channels जैसे की Instagram  , facebook और Pinterest  ,  ज्यादा valuable हैं business-focused platforms LinkedIn की तुलना में.

Digital Marketing के Benefits क्या है?

किसी offline marketing के मुकाबले digital marketing से  सभी marketers real time में बिलकुल थीक़ - थीक results देख सकते हैं. अगर आपने कभी किसी अख़बार में advertise करी है तब तो आपको ये जरुर पता होगा की ये कह पाना कितना मुस्किल है की कितने लोगों ने वाकई आपके advertisement को देखा है. ये जान पाना भी मुमकिन नहीं है. वहीँ digital markeitng में ये काम बड़ी आसानी से और सही तरीके से किया जा सकता है.🔭🙏

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